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Your Score fell between 14 - 20.  Nice! This is a good score and indicates that you are managing the stress of life and practice about a little better than most of society.

With a stress score in this range, it is likely that you generally have a rewarding life outside your practice and that you feel pretty good on most days. You probably are more inclined to relax at home or watch T.V. in the evenings, possibly exercise, and spend time with family and friends.  It also indicates that you have a decent sense of balance in your life but there is room for growth.  

Many times a score in this range is seen in people who are not as able to separate the stress of work with their regular life.  You likely have a strong awareness of what you hold onto and what you need to free yourself from.    


As a practice professional, you are more likely to have a a generally pleasant personality most of the time but get troubled and short when there is distress in the practice.  Your staff are likely to respect you, but know when to stay clear.    

Do you have stressed out or high tension colleagues?  Share the survey and start a practice wellness campaign to elevate the mood and environment for your patients.  



The Unlock YOUR Millionaire Mind program is a great way to create a collective vision and to break through the barriers that often cause stress and chaos in life and practice.