Active Roster




Elite Coaching and Mastermind (unparalelled experience)

If you are serious about building a Profitable Ethical Practice, this level gives you everything you need to build a thriving practice and passive streams of income.

Elite members seek higher and faster success  and push themselves and other members to excel. 

In the elite group you gain greater access to Brett's circle of experts in book writing and marketing, FB strategies, investing, and much more. 

In addition to accessing everything from the P.E.P. Club and Performers group, each month you will receive:

  • a personal coaching session with one of the P.E.P. coaches.                 ($7,500 value)
  • ready to deploy marketing tools you can instantly add your logo to and personal information
    to reuse and energize your client base.                                                ($5,000 value)

  • 3 annual masterminds. In conjunction with the Performers mastermind, all Elite members will have a special.                                                                                     (priceless)
    BONUS day just for your group. You and 1 guest* will attend for personal Focus Seats and coaching. These growth focused events are targeted at helping you propel your practice and life faster and higher than thought.

    *Member and spouse or key partner (office manager, marketing director)

  • Annual ELITES Only Retreat. Brett builds a special destination retreat coaching experience. Coaching, play, relaxation, special guests, and much, much more.         ($10,000 value)
  • Done With You product creation of 1 of the following and funnel creation and product launch coaching
    • a book,
    • signature program
    • products                                                                                       ($5,000 value
  • First access and special pricing for all Fortunes and Families/ProfitableEthicalPractice events. 

Brett will brings in experts in program creation, investing, book writing, speaking, and much more to
help you grow a true P.E.P. business and life along with the persopnal guidence and associations.

$997/m or one time $9997/a

APPLY NOW​​​​​​​. After you complete the short application we will contact you regarding space, fit, and to schedule your personal consultation.